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[E] MrJokee
[E] MrJokee
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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Thanks, but like I said. Its more trouble to me than its worth.
over 13 years ago
None since the last time. Still have a lot of digging ahead of me. Also, I gotta say that while help is nice, I think im going to stick to a solo run. Turns out that having people helping is more trouble than its worth. Its not huge trouble, but still.
over 13 years ago
There was a program that was supposed to let you do that, but to my recollection, it was a piece of shit. Half the time I couldnt even get it running, the other half it crashed when I tried to draw a circle. I should have listened to my dad and learn how to do programming, because the poor lot that created these..well, lets just say Im glad I didnt pay for it, otherwise I would be very, very unhappy.
over 13 years ago
Tonight, a lot of progress has been made, thanks to the effort and help from OhTen40oZ.
over 13 years ago
No uhm. The way I understand what that says is that I select stuff, then pay...but I already donated. But thats okey. My PE seems to have been labeled Donator and I expect it will be handeled when someone responsible for this sort of thing comes online...
over 13 years ago